The team


I spent 9 years in the Army Infantry until I was medically discharged (90% if you are wondering). I loved my time in service and like many veterans I miss it at times. I have a wife, a beautiful daughter and 6 amazing dogs. Yes 6.... When I got out I knew I wanted to have my own business and I started in the fitness and wellness industry and researching energy supplements. I turned from that after some time and knew I still wanted to create a product that truly helped people. That's where the love of coffee and the fitness world came together for me. Our very first coffee Life Line was the foundation of the entire company, that is where our name Self Rez Coffee, came from. My mission is very simple, give people great tasting, fresh coffee. Change starts at the lowest possible level and if my coffee can help someone get their day started, or get them through their day, or even just put a smile on their face my mission was successful.


Kenny is an American actor, model, and avid gamer and hunter. Married with 2 young adults, a gorgeous, very intelligent daughter on her way to med school, and a handsome young man preparing for the service himself and O-yea 6 dogs, because we all know... (man's best friend!) Retired as a Navy Chief after 22 years of service with multiple combat deployments. Owning a business has always been in the plans, and partnering with long time friend, Stephen, and Self Rez Coffee was a perfect fit! Coffee is a passion, and with the intention to open individual coffee shops, expanding the Self Rez Brand just feels right! Remember Friends don't let friends drink bad coffee!


After serving 8 years in the US Army, he was medically retired due to injuries related to his 3 combat tours. Now is a full time content creator himself and Competitive Strongman. Grounded in his faith and love for his family, he strives to bring the best of himself every day. Just like the Grounds of the Self Rez coffee, he works hard for you starting every day!